Monday, February 14, 2011

Something A Little Different

This week -- partially motivated by my decision to try to score some used Venture Bros. at Dimple -- I decided to swing through Sacramento's "Chinatown," and pay a visit to Harry's Cafe.

Who doesn't need some Household Supple? I'd swung by Harry's before a little while back, and gotten some decent, but not exceptional, French Toast, realizing immediately after that what I should have done was order something off of the "Asian Breakfast" menu. One of the reasons Harry's was in my head recently was I overheard a customer talking about their bevy of vegetarian options. That being said, I was a little disappointed I didn't see more of this reflected on their breakfast menu. I ended up choosing the "Hawaiian #1," which had steamed rice, two slices of grilled spam, some Portuguese sausage and some sauteed onions and carrots, along with a tea. I sat outside to enjoy the glorious day, and read over the new ICUP scripts.

One of the most charming things about Harry's is, of course, Harry. He's always there, he takes your order, he makes sure everything is okay. And his wife owns the salon next door, which is pretty awesome. It definitely has a sort of small-town vibe which is very comforting and adorable. I drank my tea, in its awesome mug and little tea-bag dish (I feel a separate dish for the tea-bag is, bad tea-bag jokes aside, often overlooked), and enjoyed the view. The only other people outside were a couple of nice-enough brohaims. By the time my food arrived, I was interested about my first foray into the world of Spiced Ham.

As I'm sure most of my reader's know -- as I believe I am in the minority for having lived a completely spamless life until now -- spam is... salty. That's pretty much it. It's salt, with some texture. It's not bad, it's just not... good. The rest of the meal was really good; the sausage was awesome, and the veggies had a nice consistency. In my opinion, there could have been a little more of the veggies to mix more evenly, but it was good. It wasn't overly breakfast-y, and it wasn't stunning, but it was good.

Both times I've been in, I have a little bit of trouble figuring out if I should seat myself, order at the register, or... what. And the decor inside is nothing spectacular, very -- dare I say it? -- "Asian restaurant." Big mirrors, pastel pastorals, that kind of thing.

And for the record, no Venture Bros. for me. Boo, and also hiss.

Atmosphere: 4/13
Clean: 2/3
Structural: 0/3
Decor: 1/3
Signage 0/2
Service: 1/2

Menu: 6/8
Variety: 2/2
Size: 1/2
Beverages: 1/2
Prices: 2/2

Food: 5/9 pts
Presentation: 1/3
Portion: 2/3
Taste: 2/3

Bathroom: 2/5 pts.
Clean: 1/2
Structural: 0/1
Decor: 1/2

Overall: 16/35

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