Friday, May 13, 2011

The Old Town Adventure Begins!

Last weekend was long and family-filled (not at all in a bad way; my family is kooky and extra fun), but I knew that I would essentially have to slip away to get any breakfasting done. I took Saturday morning's opportunity to go see Thor, and made the decision to try to explore Old Sacramento's breakfast areas.
For anyone not from the area, or just not in the know, Old Sacramento is in fact a State Historic Park, and covers several riverfront blocks. The buildings are made to approximate the state they held after the fire of 1852, as well as years of flooding. It's definitely the most "touristy" part of town, aside from the Capitol Building itself, but I think locals tend to overlook how genuinely cool it is. Aside from the sludge of Old-Timey photo places, and gag t-shirt shops, it's home to a couple different candy stores, as well as Evangeline's Costume Mansion, a delightfully bizarre store all year 'round, aside from being the Halloween Hub of town.

My original plan was to try to hit up the Embassy Suites Bistro by Tower Bridge, but they were closed. I took the opportunity to walk most of the River Walk actually on the river, allowing me a different view of town than usual, something traders might have seen over a century ago as they pulled into port... But enough with all this history business, I'm hungry! I was delighted to find a number of places to get an early meal in Old Town, and I'll try to document all of them in the coming month. I decided to stop into Steamers Cafe. It's named after the steamboats that used to travel the area, and as can be expected from most places in the Old City, has a quaint, turn-of-the-(19th)century vibe. I got a white mocha, and "The Full Deal," which included the two eggs any style (I chose scrambled, a I am wont to do,) house potatoes, a choice of bread (English muffin!) and choice of side meat (or meat-related items... I went with Veggie Sausage). I hung out on the sidewalk -- or boardwalk, as all of the sidewalks in Old Town are -- and enjoyed the lovely morning. The guy at the counter was supercool, and managed to make the jump from trying-to-be-cool to actually being a very charming and funny guy without being annoying.

My white mocha was pretty durn tasty, as was the rest of the meal. The English muffin had tones of butter in a delicious way, although it only came with one Grape jelly! The veggie sausages were also really good. All in all, it was a tasty little meal, even if it was nothing life-changing. I wrote a stack of cards; Birthday for Gramma, Mother's Day for my mom and my best friend's mom, and a congratulatory wedding card for my cousin, then packed myself off to Thor. The movie was thoroughly entertaining, and full of extra geeky references. I felt like a kid in a comic shop noticing all the details they through in. They did a good job, too, of "specializing" the movie; it's not just a superhero movie, it's an epic fantasy as well. This ws a nice touch, and made it stand out from a lot of schlock. I could geek-tweak all day, but my legs are getting restless and I still have more computing to do. So it's sayonara for now, but I plan on continuing my Old Town explorations this month, so stay tuned!

Atmosphere: 8/13
Clean: 2/3
Structural: 1/3
Decor: 2/3
Signage 1/2
Service: 2/2

(They get some extra atmosphere points just by dint of being in Old Town)

Menu: 6/8
Variety: 1/2
Size: 1/2
Beverages: 2/2
Prices: 2/2

Food: 4/9 pts
Presentation: 1/3
Portion: 2/3
Taste: 1/3

Bathroom: 3/5 pts.
Clean: 2/2
Structural: 0/1
Decor: 1/2

Total: 17/35

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